experimental compose build-chunked-oci
Currently this project supports rpm-ostree compose image
which is a highly opinionated tool which consumes treefiles and outputs an OCI archive.
However, it does not support common container-native workflows such as copying content from a distinct container image.
The rpm-ostree experimental compose build-chunked-oci
command accepts an arbitrary root filesystem, and synthesizes an OSTree-based container from it.
At the current time, it is recommended that the input root filesystem be derived from a reference maintained base image, such as the fedora-bootc ones. Especially if you are targeting bootc systems with this, please trakc
Example as part of a Containerfile
This relies on a podman-ecosystem specific feature: FROM oci:
which allows ingesting into the container build flow an OCI archive built inside a stage. With this, we can generate arbitrary container structure, in particular “chunked” images. A bit more in container.md.
In this example, we will dramatically trim out the current reference base image, including especially the rpm-ostree and dnf stacks.
FROM quay.io/fedora/fedora-bootc:rawhide as rootfs
set -xeuo pipefail
# Remove some high level superfulous stuff
dnf -y remove sos NetworkManager-tui vim nano
# And this only targets VMs, so flush out all firmware
rpm -qa --queryformat=%{NAME} | grep -Fe '-firmware-' | xargs dnf -y remove
# We don't want any python, and we don't need rpm-ostree either.
dnf -y remove python3 rpm-ostree{,-libs}
bootc container lint
# This builder image can be anything as long as it has a new enough
# rpm-ostree.
FROM quay.io/fedora/fedora-bootc:rawhide as builder
RUN --mount=type=bind,rw=true,src=.,dst=/buildcontext,bind-propagation=shared \
--mount=from=rootfs,dst=/rootfs <<EORUN
set -xeuo pipefail
rm /buildcontext/out.oci -rf
rpm-ostree experimental compose build-chunked-oci --bootc --format-version=1 \
--rootfs=/rootfs --output /buildcontext/out.oci
# Finally, output the OCI archive back into our final container image. Here we
# can add labels and other metadata - note that no metadata was inherited from
# the source image - only the root filesystem!
FROM oci:./out.oci
# Need to reference builder here to force ordering. But since we have to run
# something anyway, we might as well cleanup after ourselves.
RUN --mount=type=bind,from=builder,src=.,target=/var/tmp \
--mount=type=bind,rw=true,src=.,dst=/buildcontext,bind-propagation=shared rm /buildcontext/out.oci -rf
Using outside of container builds
There is no requirement to run as part of a container build, or even a container. You can generate a root filesystem however you want, and get an OCI archive out, which can be pushed directly to a registry using a tool such as skopeo
mkdir -p rootfs
rpm-ostree experimental compose build-chunked-oci --bootc --format-version=1 \
--rootfs=rootfs --output out.oci
skopeo copy --authfile=/path/to/auth.json oci:out.oci docker://quay.io/exampleos/exampleos:latest
However as noted above, it is recommended to follow e.g. the fedora-bootc documentation around custom base images.